Friday, March 25, 2011

Week's worth of horoscopes - Day 4

Still at it. Let’s see what those Ottawa horoscope people have to say about March 24...

Horoscope: You're good at what you do, and others are recognizing that. Your optimism and friendly nature add to the project. Use diplomacy and attention to detail for best results. Rating: 7/10

What really happened: First of all, I'd like to explain to my worried Aunt Patti (who obviously from her concerned facebook comments has just read this blog) that I am not a bitter alcoholic. For example, I haven't had a drink yet today! This blog is merely an outlet to make sense of why I gave up bathtubs of champagne, inspiring culture and beautiful Parisian friends to live next to a chip truck in Ottawa. It must be duly noted that I wake up every night next to my beautiful man, baby and cat and feel absolutely blessed. Actually they usually have ALL the bed and covers. I have bed edge and if lucky find a facecloth on the floor to act as blanket. It’s usually next to the beer bottles. (Hah! Just joking Aunt Patti!).
Anyway, "good at what I do"! - "others recognizing that"! - that must mean my boss! I just knew I scored points by listening to his advice on how to properly shoot a handgun yesterday! Oh blessed day!

Verdit: Reading this horoscope over, it almost seems like a pep-talk from a McDonald’s manager to his pimply staff, attention to detail meaning get the pickles centered on the damn cheeseburger. They never are FYI.