Friday, March 25, 2011

A week's worth of horoscopes - Day 5. Finished!

Isn't this the most amazing picture of the Zodiac sign Cancer!? Wizard Barbie is hanging out on firefly beach with a giant crab! In front of the L'Église de la Madeleine! I feel it really captures who I am...

So this is it. One week’s worth of horoscopes taken from the prestigious Ottawa 24hr magazine. And what did I get from it? First, today's horoscope:

March 25
Horoscope: Your cleverness is paying off at work, as you contribute with competence and skill. Play with it. Defuse your cleverness by being willing to laugh at yourself. Rating 7/10.

What really happened: It is only 2 o'clock but I honestly can't be bothered to sit in front of a computer on my day off (Saturday tomorrow) - might spill wine on the key board (Hi Aunt Patti!), so I'm only reporting on a quarter of the day. So far so good. Had a donut. Expecting a raise but will be humble about it.

Verdict: This morning, as I was reading this at the bus stop in -19 weather next to a guy with a mug saying "Give 'er!", I finally realized what Ottawa 24hr horoscope folk were trying to do. They don't want their streets littered with Cancerian bodies! Cadavers of bored people who have slashed their wrists with the nearest poutine box or rammed beavertails down their throats till they choked on their own vomit! How clever! According to this week's horoscope, I am brilliant, clever, witty, and talented and my boss really loves me! That’ll keep me going for awhile, no matter how accurate my horoscope really is. And no matter how much I walk around this city shaking my head... Thanks Ottawa 24hrs!

PS: Stay tuned for next week's experiment on how to write a successful novel in a week.

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